Clinical study 1 : The release of IL-1 alpha

Cultured keratinocytes were incubated with different concentrations of IL-1 alpha (=DERMATOPOIETIN®) for one hour, washed and re-suspended. The figure shows the release of IL-1 almpha into the medium after 1, 3, 24 and 48 hours.

evenswiss time release graph

Cultured keratinocytes were incubated with different concentrations of IL-1 alpha (=Dermatopoietin) for one hour, washed and re-suspended. The figure shows the release of IL-1 almpha into the medium after 1, 3, 24 and 48 hours.

evenswiss telease over time graph

In all products wis always combined DERMATOPOIETIN® with Hexadeltine®, a hexapeptide (=HP18). Its effect is to inhibit the late response of heratinocytes by normalising and preventing and preventing the excessive release of IL-1 alpha after 24 and 48 hours.

Clinical study 2 : Stimulation of Collagen

Two-photon fluorescence microscopy study on the effect of Dermatopoietin on the collagen and elastin content of human volunteer forearm skin.

Two-photon fluorescence microscopy is a fluorescence imaging technique that allows 3-dimensional visualisation of living tissue up to about one millimeter in thickness, with 0.64 μm lateral and 3.35 μm axial spatial resolution.

This is an ideal method to detect changes in skin layers. Dermatopoietin was studied through this method by Neurotar Ltd. in Helsinki during clinical trials on the effects of Dermatopoietin on the skin.

Results showed a strong increase of collagen (red) and elastin (green) after application of Dermatopoietin compared to a placebo and to the baseline.

Evenswiss stimulation of collagen 1

Dermatopoietin two-photon microscopic pictures

Two-photon microscopic pictures from the dermis at 80 μm skin depth. Comparison of Dermatopoietin versus Placebo and Baseline versus 4-week treatment. 

Pictures were obtained from the same skin spot. Clearly visible is the increase of collagen (red) and elastin (green). Dermatopoietin concentration 150 μg/L.

Evenswiss stimulation of collagen 2

Dermatopoietin three-dimensional two-photon microscopic composite pictures

Three-dimensional 2-photon microscopic composite pictures showing the green autofluorescence in the epidermis and dermis as well as collagen (red, second harmonic generation) in the dermis. 

Clearly visible is the increase of collagen after two weeks in the skin of the forearm treated with Dermatopoietin at a concentration of 30 μg/L.

Clinical study 3 : Dermatopoietin Anti-aging effect

Dermatological efficacy study on aging skin.

Results: All subjects showed a significant increase of skin density accompanied by an average increase of skin elasticity by 15 – 21% after 28 to 56 days, respectively.

Typical ultrasonograms of skin before and after application of DERMATOPOIETIN

Colour coding: The stronger and lighter the colour, the denser the proteins. Visible are the layers of keratin in the epidermis (yellow and at the left) and of collagen in the dermis (wide green layer). The application of Dermatopoietin leads to a build-up of collagen in the dermis and a strengthening of the epidermis. Black pixels represent proteoglycans, lipids and water.

evenswiss anti aging before after results

Skin of a 50-year old woman with strong signs of skin aging

evenswiss anti aging before after results

Skin after 4 weeks of applying Dermatopoietin

evenswiss anti aging before after results

Skin after 8-week application of Dermatopoietin

Clinical study 4 : Dermatopoietin Anti-Cellulite Effect

Dermatological efficacy study on cellulite skin.

Results: Cellulite skin is characterised by lipid intrusions from the hypodermis into the dermis, resulting in a ‘bumpy’ interface between these two layers and a rough skin surface. Application of the serum containing Dermatopoietin led to a flattening of the dermal-hypodermal interface, a reduction of the lipid ‘blobs’ in the dermis, a more dense dermis, and a smoother skin surface.

Typical ultrasonograms of skin before and after application of DERMATOPOIETIN

Colour coding: The stronger and lighter the colour, the denser the proteins. Visible are the layers of keratin in the epidermis (yellow and at the left) and of collagen in the dermis (wide green layer). The application of Dermatopoietin leads to a build-up of collagen in the dermis and a strengthening of the epidermis. Black pixels represent proteoglycans, lipids and water.

evenswiss cellulite reduction effects before and after

Typical appearance of thigh skin of a 55-year old woman with strong cellulite

evenswiss cellulite reduction effects before and after

Skin after 4 weeks of applying Dermatopoietin

evenswiss cellulite reduction effects before and after

Skin after 8-week application of Dermatopoietin

Clinical study 5 : Hair Shedding

Dermatological study on hair loss.

Results: Dermatopoietin resulted in a significant and long-term reduction of hair shedding compared to placebo.

evenswiss stop hair loss

The figure shows Dermatopoietin and placebo changed hair shedding relative to baseline over a period of more than 3 months on the average by 25.3 ± 5.5%. The corresponding value for placebo was + 1.3 ± 2.4%.

The difference between the serum and placebo group was significant with p < 0.01.

Clinical study 6 : Evenswiss Eye Complex

Dermatological study on crow’s feet, wrinkles and dark undereye circles. 


  • 63% of volunteers showed a significant reduction of wrinkle depth after 2 weeks, 100% after 12 weeks as measured by optical profilometry.
  • Independent expert grading of facial photographs confirmed an anti-wrinkle effect in 81% of all volunteers.
  • All volunteers showed visible lightening of dark circles under the eyes within 4 to 10 weeks.

Before and after photographs of "crow's feet"

evenswiss skincare before and after results
evenswiss skincare before and after results